
What Are AI points? How Much Are OnlineExamMaker AI Points?

What are AI points?

OnlineExamMaker provides AI Question Generator to help exam organizers to generate quiz questions automatically. If you want to generate questions using our AI tool, you need to spend AI points. They are two kinds of AI points in OnlineExamMaker system: Bonus (free) points and paid points.

Monthly bonus (free) point quantity for different levels of users


Note: Monthly bonus (free) point will not be accumulated, and they will be automatically cleared at the end of the month.

Bonus (free) points will be used preferentially when you use the AI Question Generator, so the paid points will no be used before bonus points run out.


Related tutorials: How to Generate Questions Using AI Question Generator?

How much are AI points?


How can I purchase AI points?

Click "AI Generator" under "Question Bank", then click "Buy Now" in the bottom right corner of the page.


After you click "Buy Now" link, you will see a pop-up window, you can select point package, set quantity, then click "Buy Now" button to finish the payment. After you purchase the package, you can see the paid points in your account.
